Track Package Location
- Check the order confirmation and click "View Order" for all details, including tracking numbers.
- Utilize the tracking service of the courier (e.g., DHL, DPD) for real-time package location.
Missing Tracking Number
- Smaller items are sometimes shipped without tracking; please be patient.
- Contact customer service for further assistance regarding issues or questions.
Package Returns
- If the package is undeliverable and returns to the seller’s shop, it is recorded as a return.You will be issued a refund.
Incorrect or Defective Item
- For wrong delivery or defects, contact the seller for a solution.
- No response from the seller? Reach out to SUSBLE CHAIN customer service.
Delivery to a Parcel Locker
- Choose "Parcel Locker" during ordering and provide the necessary information.
Receiving Only Part of the Order
- Contact the respective seller regarding partial delivery clarification.
- For outstanding items from other sellers, be patient due to different delivery times.
Shipping Costs
- Costs vary by the product and are displayed on the product page.
- Each seller sets their shipping conditions.
Delivery Time of a Product
- Individually determined by each seller and stated on the product page.
- Check specified delivery times, especially for handmade products, before purchasing.
For further assistance or questions, contact SUSBLE CHAIN customer service directly.
Returning an Item
- Return unused products to the respective seller's return address within the withdrawal period.
- Check return conditions in your user account or order confirmation.
- Utilize the "Initiate Return" function for information on the return shipment.
Process after Return
- The shop confirms the receipt of the return at SUSBLE CHAIN.
- Receive a confirmation email, and the refund will get processed through the original transaction's payment method.
Shipping and Return Conditions
- Individual shipping and return conditions are set into place by each seller.
- shipping and return conditions are set into place by each seller.
- Find details on the product page and in the order confirmation.
- A 14-day right of return is guaranteed.
Template for a Written Revocation
Revocation can be informal, but for faster processing, include the following in your email or letter:
- Your name and address
- The order number
- For multiple products in one transaction, please briefly provide the item number and description
- The date you received the item.
Note: For a letter, include the revocation date and sign it. For an email, these steps are not necessary.
Exchange of an Item
- For a different color or size, return the undesired item to the shop (seller).
- Find detailed return steps in the package or under "Returning an Item" in the Returns section.
Ordering the New Item
- Order the desired item in the appropriate color or size as a new order.
- You can see immediately online if the item is still available.
For further assistance or questions, contact SUSBLE CHAIN customer service directly.