
Track Package Location

  • Check the order confirmation and click "View Order" for all details, including tracking numbers.
  • Utilize the tracking service of the courier (e.g., DHL, DPD) for real-time package location.

Missing Tracking Number

  • Smaller items are sometimes shipped without tracking; please be patient.
  • Contact customer service for further assistance regarding issues or questions.

Package Returns

  • If the package is undeliverable and returns to the seller’s shop, it is recorded as a return.You will be issued a refund.

Incorrect or Defective Item

  • For wrong delivery or defects, contact the seller for a solution.
  • No response from the seller? Reach out to SUSBLE CHAIN customer service.

Delivery to a Parcel Locker

  •  Choose "Parcel Locker" during ordering and provide the necessary information.

Receiving Only Part of the Order

  • Contact the respective seller regarding partial delivery clarification.
  • For outstanding items from other sellers, be patient due to different delivery times.

Shipping Costs

  • Costs vary by the product and are displayed on the product page.
  • Each seller sets their shipping conditions.

Delivery Time of a Product

  • Individually determined by each seller and stated on the product page.
  • Check specified delivery times, especially for handmade products, before purchasing.

For further assistance or questions, contact SUSBLE CHAIN customer service directly.


Returning an Item

  • Return unused products to the respective seller's return address within the withdrawal period.
  • Check return conditions in your user account or order confirmation.
  • Utilize the "Initiate Return" function for information on the return shipment.

Process after Return

  • The shop confirms the receipt of the return at SUSBLE CHAIN.
  • Receive a confirmation email, and the refund will get processed through the original transaction's payment method.

Shipping and Return Conditions

  • Individual shipping and return conditions are set into place by each seller.
  • shipping and return conditions are set into place by each seller.
  • Find details on the product page and in the order confirmation.
  • A 14-day right of return is guaranteed.

Template for a Written Revocation

Revocation can be informal, but for faster processing, include the following in your email or letter:

  • Your name and address
  • The order number
  • For multiple products in one transaction, please briefly provide the item number and description
  • The date you received the item.

Note: For a letter, include the revocation date and sign it. For an email, these steps are not necessary.

Exchange of an Item

  1. For a different color or size, return the undesired item to the shop (seller).
  2. Find detailed return steps in the package or under "Returning an Item" in the Returns section.

Ordering the New Item

  1. Order the desired item in the appropriate color or size as a new order.
  2. You can see immediately online if the item is still available.

For further assistance or questions, contact SUSBLE CHAIN customer service directly.


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