Germany advocates for sustainable policy-making and ambitious implementation of the United Nations' Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development within the European Union.

Susble Chain will strategically and pioneeringly utilize all criteria of the German Sustainability Code (DNK). Below are the topics we will address from the beginning, and which points will be highlighted after a certain progress:

  1. Strategy and Goals

    From the outset, we communicate both internally and externally that our central areas of action aim to develop and promote sustainability.
  2. Conscious Selection of Suppliers, Partners, and Products

    This is crucial for Susble Chain. Over time, we aim to involve our customers and interest groups to ensure that the quality of partnerships aligns with customer expectations.
  3. Engagement of Stakeholders, Climate-Relevant Emissions, Water and Energy Consumption, Use of Natural Resources

    These topics are part of our daily operations as we regularly engage with all stakeholders while conveying all mentioned resources to our customers.
  4. Innovation and Product Management

    This becomes increasingly important for our company's success. We will conduct internal research, promote projects and innovative ideas, and organize competitions.

  5. Diversity and health management, continuing education, and work-life balance are personally crucial to me.

    I monitor their development myself, given my competencies in this area.

  6. Political Influence

    We transparently showcase externally how we contribute the company politically to advance sustainable development.

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